Table of Contents Volume 26 issue 1
Yocheved (Yochy) Laufer BSc, DSc
A project in the community
Physical therapists treating communities evacuated from war zones to hotels in Israel
Noga Gal, BPT, MSc, MBA, Ricki Dahan-Cohen, BPT, BA, MSc PT, Tomer Nobel BPT, MPT
Research article
Validating a new screening scale for children with autism against the Motor Skills section
of the Vineland scale (VABS-II)
Liat Zivan Becher, Meir Lotan, Yael Harel
Education in physiotherapy
Utilizing an ‘Aging Suit’ as a Tool to Shape Physiotherapy Students’ Attitudes towards Older Adults,
and Influence their Post-Study Inclination towards Working with this Population
Michal Elboim-Gabyzon BPT, Eliran Droizen BPT, Tali Meir BPT, Yuval Avitov BPT
Measurement and Assessment Scales
Compassion and empathy
Michal Elboim-Gabyzon, BPT, Ph.D
Abstracts from the Literature
Editor: Smadar Peleg BPT, PhD
Ethical Dilema
Dilemmas Shared with the Ethics Committee During Wartime
Inbar Noit BPT, PhD, Davidow Zahava BPT, MA, Tilinger Yaron BPT, MA