16-1 Translation and validation of the Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain
Translation and validation of the Arab version of the Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire
Badira Abu Elheiga-Na'amne, Yocheved Laufer
Objective: Determine the reliability and validity of the Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (MOSW) translated into Arabic.
Methods: Participants included 111 patients with native-level Arabic proficiency, who had been referred to the Klalit physiotherapy clinic for treatment of acute (43%) and chronic (57%) low back pain. The MOSW was translated and culturally adapted into Arabic, using the back-translation procedure. Participants completed the following four questionnaires prior to treatment initiation: Demographic information questionnaire, the MOSW questionnaire, the Fear Avoidance Belief Questionnaire (FABQ), the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire.
Results: Internal consistency was found to be high for the Arabic version of the MOSW questionnaire (Cronbach's α =.89). Test-retest reliability was also found to be high (ICC (1,1) > 0.90). Concurrent validity was demonstrated between the MOSW and the FABQ, the VAS and the SF-36 questionnaire. A correlation was found between the high levels of functional activity limitation and level of belief regarding fear of pain.
Scientific and practical conclusions: The research findings point towards the ability of the MOSW to provide reliable and valid information regarding the daily functioning of low back pain patients within the Arab population. Therefore, this translated assessment tool can be added to the limited diagnostic tools available in Arabic. Use of this questionnaire will allow early assessment of functional difficulties, starting from the first physiotherapy session, and will assist in the subsequent development of appropriate therapy programs that encourage functional independence.